Friday 7 February 2014

Newsletter 07/02/14

Thank you to all the parent, carers and grandparents who attended our phase assembly this afternoon.  We are sure you will agree the children have such a wide and creative curriculum and do so much within a few weeks since our last phase assembly. Please visit our blog to see the amazing learning in progress:

Please remember the Times Table Challenge will be held on Tuesday 11th February.  There are some fantastic times table songs on Youtube, also check out the following website: and select the bingo machine for the game we use in school.

Next half term we will be creating something very special in our art sessions. Therefore each child will need to bring in a plain pillow case if possible. It will be painted and cut up so unfortunately it won’t be returned in the same condition. If any parents/carers are able to spare any more pillow cases, this would be fantastic! Thank you in advance!

We are proud to announce the year 5/6 achievers for today’s celebration assembly. In 5/6G, Mollie, Amelia and Amelia wowed Miss Gascoigne with a creative and catchy song all about Ancient Greece! In 5/6H Miss Hinton and Miss Kaye have been particularly impressed with Max for his amazing improvement in his handwriting, and Lia for her ambitious vocabulary in her recent Alexander the Great biography. Finally in 5/6M, Emily has really shown what a fantastic science mind she has! Throughout the half term Emily’s enthusiasm and explanations of scientific processes has been simply brilliant! Congratulations and well done to all- these are some amazing achievements!

Core Subjects:

This week in Numeracy the children have been learning about mean, median, mode, range and probability. The children have been busy finding the average amount of wrappers opened by the factory workers at Veruca Salt’s father’s factory when searching for the Golden Ticket! Next week we will be completing some end of term assessments and having some fun with addition and subtraction….Don’t forget Times Table Challenge is on Tuesday!

In literacy this week pupils have been drafting and publishing their biographies all about Alexander the Great. Each biography has been fantastic and has featured paragraphs about early life, later life and his conquests. We have all been impressed with the accuracy and detail that each biography has included. Congratulations to all! Next week we will be recapping on some grammar and punctuation areas including; subordinate clauses, prefixes, suffixes and word classes.

SPELLINGS: This week the spellings are: foresight, foregone, forecast, forehead, prehistory, predicted, preamble
deactivate, deface. Pupils have received a copy of these spellings and will be tested on Friday 14th February.

In PE this week pupils have focused on developing their communication skills in rugby. They have combined their previous learning of holding the ball, receiving the ball, the backwards pass and the side step, into small sided games.

Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit in school for each session. Thank you in advance.

This week the children have been continuing to compile their videos to raise awareness of cyberbullying using Photostory, Movie Maker, iMovie and iPhoto. The children have selected appropriate images and music to convey the serious tone of this issue!

In Science this week the children have grouped together materials based on certain properties, such as, if they are insulators (do not let heat/electricity passing through easily) or conductors (allow heat/electricity to pass through easily). We then discussed the usefulness of materials having these properties in everyday life.


This week the children have continued creating their outcomes ready for presenting them. The children have shown fantastic teamwork skills during topic; splitting responsibilities equally between their groups’ and giving encouragement to each other. 

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