Friday 20 June 2014

Newsletter: 20th June 2014

Year 6 Leavers
There are some children who still haven’t handed in their favourite photograph of themselves when they were younger. We would love to show a photograph of each child in year 6 in the assembly on our show reel. Please hand in your favourite picture to Mr Malley with your name written on the back. Thank you. 
School Captain Election:
The School Captain election for the current Year 5 pupils is looming. The election will be held Thursday July 10th. The children will be asked to give a short 2 minute presentation to the rest of the phase and phase teachers, which should explain why they should get the job and what they can bring to the role. There will be six School Captain places, two per term, which will enable more children to experience the position. We cannot wait!
Growing and Changing
On Monday, June 30th, the children will be learning about growing and changing, in accordance with the National Curriculum and the school’s PHSCE policy. The children will learn about changes that humans experience in their lifetime in a sensitive environment and there will be plenty of opportunity for children to ask questions anonymously throughout. A separate letter with regards to this was sent out last week, however, we would like to remind you, at this stage that parents/carers are very welcome to attend a meeting on Wednesday, June 25th at 4:00pm in the blue year 5/6 classroom, to discuss the session and preview any clips that will be shown.
In numeracy this week, the children have been working really hard with their end of term assessments; we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children on their super effort with their assessments! In addition to this, the children have entered the Leeds Junior Maths Challenge. The four highest scoring children will be invited to attend Leeds Grammar School in July, for a fun morning of maths competition in the Leeds Junior Maths Challenge semi-final. Names to be announced soon! Next week, the children will be learning all about sequences in numbers; including the Fibonacci sequence, Pascal’s triangle, square and triangular numbers.
In literacy this week, pupils have been recapping on important spelling, grammar and punctuation rules. These have included; irregular plurals, commas and spelling patterns such as; words ending in ‘ant’ and ‘ent.’ Next week pupils will be reflecting on their experiences and challenges in year 5/6 in their report front cover. This is a wonderful chance for children to display their creative writing skills, as well as impress with their beautiful handwriting. The spellings for next week are; who’s, whose, peace, piece, ascent, assent, morning, mourning, steel, steal. Your child has received a copy of these spellings and will be tested on the 27th June.
The children have continued their learning on the Tour de France this week, creating posters in relation to the statement ‘The Tour de France: The most demanding and dangerous sporting event.’ Working in teams of 3, each child took responsibility for a different aspect. These included the physical demands of the tour, the different stages and finally, the dangers involved for the riders. The children have begun to create some truly sensational pieces!
We have continued our Living Things unit this week by looking at the different life cycles of living things. By exploring the similarities and differences of these, the children have been able to present their research to the class.
The children have been editing and refining their pictures this week- using iPhoto. The children have explored the editing features on the software and exported their pictures. Some of the editing skills have been amazing. We would not be surprised if some of the images appear on our own school walls very soon! Next week the children will continue to develop these editing skills and create their own slideshow with their final edits.

space food

Recently we have been learning about life in space and the eatwell plate. We have been planning a meal for british astronaut Tim Peeke to take up to space in December 2015. Our meal had to be balanced with : carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, protien, fats and dairy. Three groups of children a day would go up to friendly faces and practice cooking their meals for Tim. The reason for this is that we are entering a competition, the winner will get their meal taken up to space and will get to facetime or skype Tim Peeke when he is in space in 2015.

by Molly and Tara

The UK Space Agency Challenge ( Maddison E )

The UK Space Agency Challenge

The Year 6's have been given a chance to create a meal for an astronaut called Tim Peake . Tim will be going up into space in 2015. For the last couple of days Year 6's have been creating  meals ( in groups ) for when Tim Peake goes up into space. We have been learning about the Eat-Well Plate and the 8 healthy eating tips , as it is important we include Dairy, Protein , Carbohydrates, Fruit and Veg and Sugars in our meals so when Tim is in space he can keep healthy. My group , who includes Niamh , Emily , Lily , Abi and myself, have created dinner , pudding and a fruit smoothie.To help back up our meal we are going to create a paragraph , which will help explain what we have made. If you win you get to video chat Tim Peake in space.

                Maddison 5/6M       

Space Food Competition

These past couple of weeks we have been designing food for astronaut Tim Peake. Our meal consists of three courses, for a starter white soup, for the main spicy tuna pasta and for the dessert fruity yoghurt salad. I am working with Evan, Meg, Caison and Bethan. On Wednesday next week we are making our food to take a photo of to send into the competition.

One small step for man, one giant leap for mealtime.

Year six have been entered in an exciting competition, asking to create a three course meal to be eaten in space by a British astronaut, Tim Peake! At first we took a look at the 'Eatwell Plate', a pie chart showing the five different food groups and how much of them you need. Next we were investigating what the ISS (international space station) was and what it is like living in a non gravity zone for over four months ; we were amazed at how many normal everyday activities, such as sleeping, can change so much! Obviosly, we needed to get started preparing the meal, so my group ( Meg, Beth, Caison, Izzy and Evan) began making sheets full of the information on how to make White Soup, Spicy Tuna Pasta and Fruit Salad in Yoghurt. A research-full week later, we went up to Friendly Faces and cooked our courses! Surprisingly, they actually tasted exceptionally tasty!

                                                                   By Bethan, Y6



This term Year 6 have had a fantabulous opportunity to make a meal for future astronaut Tim Peake, who will be the first British astronaut on the ISS since it was first constructed in 1998. The National British Space Agency launched a competition to design a meal for Tim to eat whilst he's aboard the International Space Station. As well as that ther winners also get to cook their meal with a famous chef plus being able to Skype/Facetime Tim as he eats his meal in space...

By John.

Year 6 Space Menu Competition 😊

Year 6 Space Menu Competition!

Throughout the week Year 6 have had the oppertunity to create a meal to take up into space for the first british man to land on the space station. If you win this compotition you get a chance to FaceTime Tim Peakes when he is inside the space station.Year sixes get to make a menu which has to include traditional British recipes. To enter this competition year six has to make this meal take a photograph ,write the ingredients and present the nutritional values ,which links into healthy eating and the eat well plate,to the show judges.This competition is running throughout the country for year sixes in primary schools.                                                                                                    



space meal

This week on Tuesday me and other people from my group created a meal for a astronaut who is being sent up to the International Space Station, (the ISS.) The meal we have created is Garlic Mushrooms for the starter, Beef Burger for the main and Strawberries and cream for the desert. At the begining of making the meal we first created the strawberries and cream by getting a bowl of pouring cream and cutting up the strawberries and putting them in the bowl of cream. For the Beef Burger we cooked some minced meat then we  cracked a raw egg into it to help us shape it into a burger, after cracking the raw egg into the burger we then cooked the burger again at a lower temperature in the oven. Whilst the  burger was cooking we started creating a salad to go with the it. When the other people from my group were creating the salad I  began with  the garlic mushrooms.

Space Food

Space Food Menu

I(Kav)am working with Tom, Billy, Charlie and Dan for the Space Food international competition. We are making an exquisite meal for Tim Peake that he will hopefully enjoy on his 2015 space mission to the I.S.S. We have planned to make: fruit kebabs, bangers and mash, pancake surprise and ice tea. 

Snippets of our ingredients

  • Fruit kebabs:Pineapple, mango and banana.

  • Bangers and mash:Sausages and potatoes.

  • Pancake surprise:whipped cream and waffle.

Space Food

Space Food Competition!!

I am working with Oliver , Oliver, and Billy for the official international competition. On Tuesday (17th June) our team made an out standing meal. Starter: Creamy Garlic Mushrooms! Main: Beef Burger and Salad! Desert: Strawberries and Cream! Hopefully our meal does qualify so Tim Peak eats our meal when he arrives at the Space Station in December 2015. Also our meal does fit in with the eatwell plate! 

Space Menu

 This week year 6's have been finalising their menus to send to Tim Peake, an astronaut going to space. Year 6's are competing with other year 6's around England to try and win the chance to make the meal with Heston blumintile so it is suitable to go into space with Tim. In our group we have Mia, Abi, Steph and Hollie, I'm doing the starter, Hollie and Steph are doing the main and Abi and Mia are making the desert. For the starter we are having Fish Cakes, for the main traditional cottage pie and for the desert strawberry frozen yoghurt with grated dark chocolate. We put lots of thought into making our dishes suitable for space like fish cakes are normally coated in breadcrumbs but breadcrumbs can't go into space as they could go into the machinery or up astronauts noses so we had the idea to put the breadcrumbs in the mixture and fry them so that they are no longer able to float. We have 6 fish cakes two of each type of fish, prawn, salmon and tuna so they are very protein rich. In the main there is four different vegetables, onion, parsnips , carrots and peas which is nearly your 5 a day in one meal. The desert does have fats but they are healthier fats. Instead of using white chocolate which traditionally goes with strawberries we decided use dark chocolate the healthiest type of chocolate we are also using 0% fat greek style yoghurt which is a good source of dairy and also very healthy. Our group is making our meal on Friday (tomorrow)and we are really looking forward to it. We will make it up in friendly faces. Whilst the other groups have been making their dishes we have been making our screens and the video which can only be up to 2 minutes long.

By Georgia

Space Meal 2014


Over the course of the last few weeks,Robin Hood's year 6's have been planning a meal for the aspiring space station astronaut Tim Peake. My group,Billy (Myself), Oliver, Oliver and Lewis have made garlic mushrooms (starter), a beef burger (main),and strawberries and cream (dessert). We hope Tim Peake picks our meal,and we wish him a happy journey up to space! We had great fun cooking, but at the same time,it was hard work,we hope it pays off.

Over the past week the year 6 have been planing on making a meal for an astronort  called Tim Peake, who is going to space in 2015 . If your meal wins your team gets to Skype or Facetime him while he is up in the space station. We have made Tim Peake a 3 course meal , drink which was fruit smoothie , a meal which was roast beef, roast potatoes and onions and last but not least for pudding we made him sticky toffee pudding.

by Lily 5/6m

Space Chef

The past 2 weeks year 6 entered a competition too decide on a meal for British spaceman, Tim Peake. We had to follow the Eat well plate ,which is your Protein, Carbohydrates, Dairy, Fat and Fruit and Veg. In our team we had to cook our dishes. I made the starter while 2 other members of my team did the main course and another 1 of my friends made dessert. It took time but I think our food is divine.

Space meals

This half term yr 6 have been designing a meal for a British astronaut, Tim Peake, who is going to the ISS (international space station)next year.At first for my main we were going to do toad in the hole, however now I'm doing bangers and mash. 

Cooking for an astronaut

cooking for an astronaut!

Year 6 have entered an exciting competition, which allows them to cook a British dish for Tim Peake (an astronaut). The winner will be able to see Tim Peake in space eating their food. Cooking is really fun, lots of people worry about the time limit but you get a lot of time to spare. Once you've cooked your meal, you take pictures of all of your teams food, eventually you get to eat it. There is also an ICT presentation with all your team!  

by Meg, Y6!

My group Tim Peaks menu

My group has made a delicious meal for Tim Peaks,who is going up to space in 2015.

 .crab sticks
With mango chutney

Inside it had 
. pineapple chunks
And chicken 

With a twist 

.turkish delight
.lady's fingers 
.strawberry jelly 
Over all I think my group did very well 
It was hard due to the fact that,we had to have a different variety of things off the eat well plate plus something about the menu had too be British. 
 I think Alex did extremely well because he had to make the dough for the calzone, it had to have the exact right amount of ingredients.

In pairs first we made our own poster about healthy eating including the eat well plate and tips for and make a healthy meal for Tim Peake (an astronaut who is going to the international space station in 2015). Later on that week we found the recipes and ordered all of the ingredients. The next day we created our meals and presented them. To enter the competition we had to give written and ICT  entries.

Space Food 

Year 6 has designed and made a meal for Tim Peake, who will be the first British person to go to the  International Space Station next year. My space meal consisted of the following : Starter was crab sticks and prawns. Main meal was Calzone pizza. We first thought of a normal pizza but thought toppings might float as no gravity up in International  Space  Station  (ISS) and pudding was chocolate/ice cream  trifle.
What would you say are the strengths of your meal?

Making Our Meal For Space


Firstly,to prepare for our meal we had thoroughly wash our hands with soap so then our food does not get contaminated with bacteria.Secondly,we had to collect the correct ingredients and equipment to make our meal.Then we could start making our meal! In my team are Emily,Lily,Abi,Niamh and myself.Lily and myself made the pudding (Sticky Toffee Pudding).Niamh and Lily made the fruit smoothie and Ab,Emily and Niamh made the dinner (Roast Beef Dinner).We all made our meals and drinks at the same time,so we got our meal done quicker than I expected. After everything was done we took a picture of our meal and then ate what we had made.It was so fun cooking in a group and our meal was very tasty.All we have to do now is finish our writen entry and then we can send our entry off and hope for the best.

Maddie 5/6 M 

Thursday 19 June 2014

Our space food meal!

On Wednesday 18th June, my group (Abi, Niamh, Emily, Lily H and Maddie) went and made our meal for Tim Peake ( An astronaut going into space in 2015 )  For the meal we made beef roast, for the drink we made a smoothie and last but not least the dessert which was sticky toffee pudding, they were all delicious and tasty and i think that Tim will really love them. If we win we will be able to Skype or face time him (The new technology) I'm not saying we need to win but it would be nice if we won and see him eat our delicious food which will blow his mind and his eyes will not believe them selfs.

                                          Niamh & Abi

Cooking For Timothy

                    Cooking For Timothy.

This term year 6 have had a opportunity to enter a competition where you make a meal suitable for space, and if you win the food gets sent to space where Timothy Peke , an astronaut , eats it. But that is not it you get to skype him whilst in space! In my 3 Course meal my team made : Green Bean Salad for the starter , Homemade Burgers and Potato Wedges for the Main course and Fruit Salad in Yogurt for Pudding. It was Defiantly a very healthy meal! Whilst in space Tim will be aboard the Intonational Space Station (ISS) experiencing zero gravity also Tim will be the first British Astronaut aboard the ISS.

                                   By Eddie


Wednesday 18 June 2014

Robin hood goes to Robin wood!

On the 4th of June our year 6's departed on a 2 hour journey to Robin Wood activity centre. On the journey they passed beautiful country side and small villages. After we got off the coach we were welcomed by our team leaders. After a few games due to the weather we hopped on a mini bus and road to the centre. Next we went to have lunch. Over the next 2 days we did activities such as: Archery, caving, climbing and night line. On Friday after lunch it was sadly time to leave we got on the coach and came home.
                                                                                 By: Hugh
Whilst the year 6 pupils were on residential at Robin Wood Activity Centre, the other year 6 pupils who didn't go to Robin Wood had to help out down in key stage 1 and foundation stage. I had to help out Miss Mees in year 1. I stayed in year 1 for a whole 3 days when the rest of the year 6s were away. In the afternoon, the year 5s and the year 6s who didn't go to Robin Wood had to do the activity of printing, which is basically getting a cardboard box cutting it down to look like a building in Leeds and roll paint over the cardboard box on to your own plain white T-shirt. Whilst I was in year 1, I was helping all the children when they were stuck in English and Maths, I had to re-sort all the toy boxes for Miss Mees and Miss Mistryy, which helped them out alot. 
From the 4th of June to the 6 of June the year 6 pupils had a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to ROBINWOOD. Robinwood was fun in many different ways although the showers weren't at there very best. However there were an ample amount of brilliant activities which any person would love. My first activity was giant swing which went as high as a really tall tree. I was terrified at first and as soon as my friends shouted 1 2 pull on pooh I knew I had to pull on the teddy bear. Zip wire was my personal favourite because we did competitions such as: screaming and  rock paper scissors.

Robin Wood 2014

This year, year six pupils went on residential to Robin Wood in Cumbria. It was a great experience for all of the year sixes as well as it being a once in a life time opportunity. I enjoyed every activity, one or the activity s was a giant swing, I felt like a bird flying in the sky however me and my best friend Hollie B were screaming all the way down. At first we only went half way but then we went up to the top. Another  activity was the stream work wich we had to walk in a freezing cold stream.

Our amazing time at Robin Wood


Going to Robin Wood was very exciting as we'd been waiting to go since reception. The three hour journey was very long but adventurous as the animals and mountains we saw were extraordinary and breathtaking. We eventually got to our destination from here we transferred onto Robin Wood minibuses but unfortunately we missed doing the Morlyn challenge. In the minibus we met our group leader Ross- he was born in Africa and was a very funny guy. We told him our names and our hobbies. When we got to Robin Wood we geared up for Archery. We scored many bulls eyes and we played of Archery games and even Miss Hinton had a go. We then had a lunch where the food was nice. We then did the crate challenge. It was very challenging and it required a strict mind and trust. We then did the giant swing which looked terrifying after, however it was fun to say the phrase "Pull On Pooh!!!" ( had to pull on a Winnie the Pooh figure to activate swing). After that we went for dinner and had some delicious food. We then had to pick our funniest moment of the day which was when Miss Hinton went on the Giant Swing (she screamed loudly)! after that we went to our dormitory and packed our kit bags for the next day and went to sleep. YAY!!!


In the morning we were awoken by the night ninjas who stay awake through the night at 8:30. We then got dressed for our breakfast. We had the choice of : Toast, Beans, Potato Waffles, Sausages, Bacon and cereal.

By Caison & Jack.S


Year 6 residential this year has been amazing .Because we did some great activities and had some amazing staff the children who took part in robin wood had a great experience . We took part in an activity called Piranha pool which isn't as bad as it sounds because the piranhas didn't have any teeth and they give you 10 seconds to get across the pool. Also we did giant swing were you say 1, 2 pull on poo and you need to pool the teddy and it drops you down and you go flying . Stream walk was very interesting because your instructer  told you all about interesting things like the Romans and the water goes right up to your stomach . On a night the staff (night ninjas ) tell you to get ready for bed then make you turn the lights off at 10 pm. Altogether Robinwood is fantastic and all the year 6 had the time off the lives.

Staying home is the new going out!

Whilst year six were having a tremendous time at Robin Wood, several year six pupils were helping out down at key stage one and foundation stage. Key stage one were getting on brilliantly as they were writing their scary stories about 'The Black Hole', we were so impressed with their amazing use of conjunctions and high level vocabulary! Have you ever tried a traditional  Spanish  cuisine?  Traveling to Spain was one of the best part for me and all the children enjoyed it too. Reception loved getting stuck in and helping serving the food- Yum! Being an artist for the week was one of our favourite parts about staying at school! Mrs Chin was incredible at printing and helped us all truly, even when our templates fell apart! Amber was the first person to finish her t- shirt (and she is very proud!) Robin Wood sounded absolutely exhilarating, however staying at school was just as good!                                    

                                                          Amber and Bethan

Robin Hood to Robin Wood 2014!!!!!!

Robin Hood to robin wood 2014!!!!!

On Thursday the 4th June the year 5/6 teachers 
took the year 6s to Robin Wood for 3 days. The children were well taken care of  and  fed well. During their stay at Robin Wood, he children were doing different types of  activities such as piranha pool, canoeing and zip wire. The food at Robinwood was healthy and appetising. The children had an amazing time there and many 
said they wanted to go again. 

                                           Thank you for reading 
                                                      Abigail c

Year 6 residential

Last week year 6 travelled to the beautiful Cumbria countryside and did lots of exiting activities from the 4th to the 6th of June.

These activities included:

The giant swing: A big swing that two people hung off and the rest of the team pulled them up and then once you got to the top one of the two pulled on a toy of Winnie the poo and shouted 1 2 pull on poo and then the giant swing swung down and made you fell like you were on a swing.

The deadly piranha pool: Where you had to work as a team to solve puzzles and get out of the room.

Caving: a fun adventures activity where we got to explore a man made cave and played lots of fun games such as rescue bob and zombie tag

From the 4th to the 6th of June, the year 6 children had the chance to visit Robin Wood activity centre. Throughout the days we took part in thrilling activities which everyone loved. My favourite activities were the Giant Swing, the Zip Wire, and Caving. The only thing I thought could have being improved was the food and the beds, the dinner that we had one night I enjoyed which was the pizza and chips. Also I didn't feel that the beds were that comfortable. Although I enjoyed the trip to Robin Wood, I  would definitely come again.

Oliver and Lewis

Residential at Robin Wood

Robin Wood 2014

From 4-6 June 2014,year 6 visited Robin Wood. The staff were inspiring, friendly and supportive throughout the trip, and they always got the best out of us. The 4 groups were Forest Group, led by Ross; Crag group led by Katie; Mountain group, led by Luke and Ridge group led by Mark, or Sparky. The journey was 2 hours and 30 minutes each way, but in the end, the long wait paid off. I was particularly impressed with the quality of the food, the catering staff were also kind and caring.In conclusion, I think Robin Wood is the best residential site of its kind.

Robinwood visit

On the 4th of June 2014 year 6 went to a residential site called Robin Wood for 3 days. We did so many activities from the frightening pirhana pool to the puzzling dragons quest. Every single child enjoyed this great opportunity of a life time to go to Robin Wood and would absolutely go again.

                                                            By Macy and Ella 

Tom and Robert mountain biking club

Starting today is our club hosted by Thomas and Robert. It be hosted every Thursday lunch time and isbeing supervised by Miss Brooks. Robert goes to trails all over the country to go mountain biking and Tom has  been to a cuple but it will be Robert who is the teacher as he is more experienced. Thomas will be supervising and still learning some tricks.

blue route is flat with a few jumps
green route is lots of jumps and a few scary moments ( Tom at this level )

red route is semi pro (Robert is at this level)

black is proffessional

Robin wood residential

This year on 4th June,the year six children attended the Robin Wood centre as their residential. During their time at Robin Wood, the year six took part in many activities including caving, zip wire, giant swing, stream walk, canoeing and many more !

Year 6 visits Robin Wood!!

On the 3rd of June 2014, the year sixes visited Robin Wood Activity Center. The journey took 2 hours long, however, the children found a way to amuse themselves. When we arrived in Alston, we were welcomed by our group leaders; Luke, Mark, Ross and Katie, who then took us in mini-buses to our destination. Once we arrived, we toured around key parts in the site such as: The car park and courtyard yurt, our dorms and our group cupboards. We then started our group activities. In these activities, your skills of teamwork, encouragement and capability will be tested. After 3 days of excitement, it was sadly time to leave Robin Wood.
                                                                                  By Elle

Besi Resi

Year 6 enjoyed an amazing action-packed residential in Robin Wood Activity Centre, Alston, Cumbria. We visited the centre for three days, two nights from Wednesday 4th June to Friday 6th June, 2014. I enjoyed a wide range of activities at Robin Wood including: caving, giant swing, zip wire and canoeing.  


Residential at Robin Wood ( Maddison )

Robin Wood

On the 4th June 2014 we ( Year6 ) set of on our way to Robin Wood. We met the Robin Wood staff , who were very friendly , the first two groups set of on the mini buses to Robin Wood and we played games called buz and splat until the buses came back to pick us up. When they came back we went on the buses and I was in Mountain group. When we got to Robin Wood I was so excited and the first activity we did was crate challenge this activity provides you working as a team and building a tower of crates. On the 5th we had such a action packed day we did The Giant Swing, Stream Walk, Dragons Quest and many more activities. I was so tired at the end of the day . I was so upset on this day because we had to go home. I loved every second of this trip and did not want it to end. I was sad to leave but happy to be heading home. Personally, I feel I have grown as a person and overcome many fears and I would not have had overcome these if I did not go to Robin Wood. If I had a chance to go back again I would.

                                                                Maddison 5/6M

Residential at robinwood

I loved it. There are truly no words for the memories I will have of Robinwood. If I have to have a favourite activity it would be the Pirranha Pool, we worked as a team to solve puzzles to unlock padlocks so we could cross the Pool. I will not tell you if there were real piranhas you will have to see for yourself. I was feeling quite brave and I went across the pool fourth. I was in a group with eight other people.

Our trip to robin Wood

I went to Robin wood on Wednesday to Friday and I enjoyed doing lots of activities even though the journey was very long. When we first got there we were greeted by the robin wood staff ,who brought our lunch. One of my favourite activities was the piranha pool because we all had to work together in our group to get across the pool and solve puzzles. The best activity of all had to be the giant swing it was so fun and scary at the same time. If I had the opportunity ever arose I would definitely come again.

After a fantastic time at Robin Wood or down in Key stage one, the year six children started learning about Timothy Peake and his journey to space in 2015. Next week  the pupils will be making their chosen meal for Tim to eat during his time away. 

Alston Adventure

On Wednesday 4th June until Friday 6th June, the majority of the year 6 pupils had a fantastic 3 day stay at the Robin Wood centre of Baraugh Hall in Alston, Cumbria. Whilst there, we took part in many great activities designed to strengthen the skills of leadership, teamwork, self belief and courage including caving, trapeze, climbing, giant swing and piranha pool.
Last week we went to Robin Wood on June 4th to the 6th. Each day was jam packed full of activities and all of us had an amazing time.

Tuesday 3 June 2014

High School

I am looking forward to go to Rodillian because I can't wait to have the chance to get enough credit to do activities at Rodillian. Also I can't wait to join some clubs. Nathan

SATS by Elle and Hollie.

Recently, year sixes have taken their SATS. It was a very stressful time for us, however we managed to get through them very swiftly. Unfortunately, we will only receive our scores at the end of July, the same time we leave :-(. At the end of the day, all we could do was give it our all and try our hardest which we were heavily rewarded for trying our hardest by a treat on the Friday.

Topics in 5/6

My favourite subject in topic has been Leeds due to the fact that I got to know a bit more about the area around me. However I did know a bit about Leeds like White Rose had a fire in 2007 so they developed it. In the future I would like to learn about Spain even though we have Spanish I would like to learn the capital cities.

SATs review!

2 weeks ago we did our SATs. Even though they were very mind-puzzling, all the year 6 pupils broke the barrier of achieving the very highest performance possible. The SATs that year 6 attempted were; Maths paper 1, Maths paper 2, Reading and Spag ( spelling, punctuation and grammar).

What it's like to be a year 6?

Since we're year 6 we get to on Residential which is a place where you get to test your abilities by doing physical activities. Also we're going to high school which will be very scary but fun in many way because we can make new friends, get their phone numbers and play about when we get home.


Finally, our SAT'S OVER!!! After 4 whole days of hard work, we've finished them. Luckily on the Friday after we had a huge sporty party up on the top field. Some were very unconfident coming into the SAT's but the hard work really paid off.



We are all very happy to an announce that the year six's have completed their long awaited end of year SATs. After all the hard work and effort the Year six's put in, we have realised that they are all overjoyed to hear that the SATs have ended. As well as the teachers, all year six pupils are incredibly proud of themselves, due to all the thought and positivity they showed. The Year six's overcome their fear of of assessments and impressed the Yr 5/6 team.

Well done to the year six's, you all did amazing!

By: Danika and Shiksha

Year 6 residential

On the fourth of June the year six's will be going to Borough hall near Cumbria. They will be experiencing many fun activities such as rock climbing, canoeing and giant swing. It's a very exciting opportunity that may never come up again for this years six's.

By Grace A and Emily C

SATS have been splattered!

Last half term year 6's had their annual SATS test.  Every body did really well and Miss Hinton said proud does not even come close to describing how amazed she is at us. At the beginning of the week we started off with our reading test and then moved on to the SPAG and then the Numeracy. We are all really excited for the results. We would also like to wish every body luck at there new school.

Charlie and Hugh.

Residential at Robin Wood

As we are year 6 we will be leaving primary school soon and near to the end of the year the year 5/6 staff take us on a residential to Robin Wood . Robin Wood provides a range of different activities such as the giant swing, pirana pool and a breathtaking zip wire. We are most looking forward to the giant swing and the zipwire because these activities will test our abilities and help us be more confident in ourselves. The KS2 staff will be taking us to Robin Wood on the 4th June and we will be staying there until Friday. 

                                      By Maddie E and Abi C 

Our topic

Over this half term we have been learning about Leeds and places in Leeds. Also, we have been planning a poster or a booklet about your favourite places to go such as Headingley, Royal Armories, The Grand Theatre, Tropical World and many more .


THE REAL GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Over the half term we have been given the opportunity to  play on the field because of the wonderful
Weather . There are