Wednesday 7 May 2014

Spelling for this week


Newsletter 2nd May

Water Bottles:
As the weather is getting warmer, the children need to bring in a water bottle so they can keep themselves hydrated throughout the day.  For hygiene reasons, we ask that the children are provided with their own water bottle as we have no cups in classrooms.  We ask that the children bring in water only and not fizzy pop or dilute juices.

We are aware that some children are ‘growing-up’ fast and beginning early puberty and may be using deodorant at home.  As the weather is getting warmer and the children are running around outside and being even more active during PE sessions, they are becoming a little bit sweaty.  In order to promote responsibility for personal hygiene, we have suggested that children may want to bring deodorant into school and leave it in their bags, if they need to.  We ask that children use roll on deodorant as there are a number of children who have asthma. The children have also been told they are not to share deodorant with their peers.   

Core Subjects:
Within Numeracy this week, the children have been practising their mental maths skills using the following website:  This is a fantastic website which we would highly recommend encouraging your child to use at home.  The ‘Speed Challenge’ game can help support your child’s mental maths skills.  You could even have a challenge with your child and see who has the quickest mental maths skills…

We have continued to practise the strategies which have been taught so far this year.  The KS2 bitesize website is a useful website to use, particularly in preparation for the SAT’s but also to embed numeracy skills which will be needed for adult life!  Please let us know if your child has been using the following website and we can reward them with stickers…

This week in Literacy the children have continued to write their discursive report on the subject ‘Is modern technology affecting the sleep patterns of young people?’  The children have looked at introducing their report by explaining how the range of technological devices has increased over the years and children are using this more frequently before bed.  They have looked at the two side of the argument; one suggesting the lights from game consoles is stimulating the brain, hindering sleep.  The other argument suggests there are a number of other factors including, diet, nutrition, and even reading a gripping book.  The use of language has been incredible and very sophisticated.  The 5/6 team are very proud of all of the children!

SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: enough, strength, variety, familiar, substantially, released, believe, station, technology, laziness.

Other areas of the curriculum:

In PE the children have continued to learn ‘The Big Dance’.  The children have learnt all the routine and are now beginning to practise so they can perform it from memory. The video is on our blog, so feel free to have a look to practice further.
During outdoor PE the children will be developing their skills at working in a team work.  They will be supporting each other in completing an obstacle course.


In Science this half term, the children will be looking at Sport Science, focusing on the respiratory system and the circulatory system.  They will look at how the heart and the lungs work and how to keep these organs healthy through diet and exercise!

Newsletter 25th April

News Roundup:

Friday Celebration Assembly:
Thank you to all the parent/cares who attended our Celebration Assembly today, we are sure you will agree the children completed some amazing tasks last half term; from their Japanese artwork to learning some Judo moves.  Well done to all children in Year 5/6 for continuing to work hard.

Year 6 Numeracy Book
The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘Study Guide’ and a ‘Question Book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s.  This is a resource the school have paid for as we feel it will be beneficial for the children to continue to practise and reinforce their learning at home.  We ask for your support in encouraging your child to complete a page or two on a regular basis and send it back into school.  For each 5 pages completed your child will receive a Headteacher sticker.

Year 6 SAT’s
The Year 6’s will be completing their SAT’s in three weeks, the week commencing Monday 12th May.
As we have the privilege of having two additional qualified teachers we have decided to split the Year 5’s and 6’s for the next three weeks.  The luxury of this is all children will be in a smaller class than they would be normally.  All children will be covering the same learning but they will just be working in a smaller group, this will therefore mean more 1:1 time with the adult in the class.     

Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been recapping some taught strategies from across the year.  This week the children have been looking at measure (Length, Mass and Capacity).  They have been discussing the language used and converting numbers into different units of measure; for example 1000g = 1 kg, 100cm – 1 metre.

The children have also looked at time, telling the time, both on digital and analogue clocks.  They have then been using this knowledge to complete word problems.

This week in Literacy the children have been discussing a controversial question: ‘Is modern technology affecting the sleep patterns of young people?’  This has led to interesting conversations about modern technology and if this does affect young people’s sleep patterns and  social skills.    

SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: stapled, enough, umbrella, released, familiar, surprised, mattered, disruptive, physically 

Other areas of the curriculum:

PE: This half term the children will be learning the routine to ‘The Big Dance Pledge’ which is a chance to learn a dance routine with the rest of the world!  If your child wants to continue to learn the dance at home they can use the following website:

Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit on a Monday for 5/6G and 5/6M, Tuesday for 5/6H and outdoor PE continues to be on a Thursday.  Due to the weather becoming warmer, we would highly recommend the children bring in a water bottle in order to rehydrate themselves. 

Spanish: This half term the children will continue to learn the Spanish vocabulary for objects related to the seaside.  They will be creating a picture which will include a number of the vocabulary to describe the images.  A number of children have been using the Spanish dictionaries to find different Spanish words which they want to include within their picture.  If your child would like to learn additional Spanish as home, the following website will help with their pronunciation:

Newsletter 4th April

The Year 5/6 team would just like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter! We are looking forward to seeing the children refreshed and ready for an exciting and action-packed summer term!

Friday Celebration Assembly:

·         Our next phase assembly will be on Friday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing you there to show off the amazing learning from this half term! The new school captains will also receive their badges on this day too!

Home Learning:

The Year 5 children have all received some mental maths booklets to practice at home, at your leisure. There is a question booklet for parents to read from which also contains the answers. The children have also received a separate booklet in which to record their answers. This does not need to be handed back in to school; it is merely a resource to support with mental maths strategies.

We ask that the children continue to read at home over the holidays and record this into their planners, a minimum of 4 entries per week is recommended and the children will be rewarded stamps and stickers for the entries recorded for each week.

The Year 6 children were given their Splat the SAT packs early this half term to allow them longer to complete the packs. These are due in on Tuesday 22nd April.

The year 6 children also have their Numeracy Study Guides and question books to complete at home too.  We encourage children to delve into aspects of Numeracy in this book which they feel they need extra support with. Although completing the pages is not compulsory, we are keen to reward your child’s effort.  You can support your child by marking the questions; you will find the answers in the back of the book.  Alternatively, your child can mark their own learning and make any amendments to their answers in pen so we can see the changes made.  After the Easter break, can we please ask that the children bring their study guide and question book into school, as we may refer to these during Numeracy sessions in the run up to SATs.

Year 6 – Rodillian.

Please note: Due to some confusion with regards to the Training Days at Rodillian, it has been requested that all parents of our Year 6 Rodillian starters visit their website:, go to New Students, Year 6 Induction Programme to indicate the days their children will be attending the academy. Thank you.

Thursday June 12th 4:30pm -7:30pm

Year 6 information Evening

Monday 14th July until Tuesday 22nd July inclusive
(Please note: Although there are three training days at Rodillian, this does not apply to the new starters, Year 6 children will still attend during the three training days.

Year 6 induction

Core Subjects:


This week in Numeracy, the children have been using and applying the Bus Stop and Chunking Method to divide by single and digit numbers!    


This week pupils have been writing their own newspaper report about their own chosen theme, some of the themes chosen were: the environment, sport or world affairs. The children also chose their own target audience, making sure that their article was written to suit their audience.  

SPELLINGS: There are 19 spellings to learn over the holidays (an odd number, we know), however, these words are homophones that many of the children become confused with. The children will hear a sentence which contains one of these words in context. They are as follows: there, they’re, their, who’s, whose, peace, piece, aisle, isle, past, passed, steel, steal, allowed, aloud, herd, heard, threw and through. Your child has received a copy of these spelling and will be tested on Friday 25th April. 

Other Areas of the Curriculum:

Art: The children have been very busy getting very creative and a little bit messy (really sorry parents) this half term. We have been making Koinobori flags, which are carp-shaped flags which represent strength and determination of children in Japan, which are flown to celebrate Children’s Day. We have also been adding beautiful Japanese decorations onto sections of a kimono which will be sewn together over the holidays. The children have also been designing plates using glass paints to replicate landscapes from traditional Japanese settings…. All of which are beautiful and professional outcomes which can be seen on our blog or at our Celebration Assembly.

PE: This half term, the children have been incredibly lucky to have been taught Judo by our specialist teachers. The children showed great discipline and an appreciation for martial arts and the children all received a certificate to celebrate their efforts – well done, guys!

Next half term, we will be practising the Big Dance in addition to our usual outdoor PE sessions. Visit our blog to have a sneaky preview of the Big Dance for 2014 and to get a little bit of extra practice in before we begin…

Newsletter 28th March

Friday Celebration Assembly:

·         Don’t forget, our next phase assembly will be on Friday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing you there to show off the amazing learning from this half term!

Year 6 – Rodillian.

Thursday June 12th 4:30pm -7:30pm

Year 6 information Evening

Monday 14th July until Tuesday 22nd July inclusive
(Please note: Although there are three training days at Rodillian, this does not apply to the new starters, Year 6 children will still attend during the three training days.

Year 6 induction

Parent Consultations

Parent consultations this time are for the Year 5 parents only, as the Year 6 parents were invited back in January.

Year 6 Numeracy Book

The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘study guide’ and a ‘question book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s. Next week we will be learning about Division (pages: 15-18 in the study guide). If your child would like to complete these pages at home and bring the book back into school they will be rewarded for their hard work!

Although completing the pages is not compulsory, we are keen to reward your child’s effort.  You can support your child by marking the questions; you will find the answers in the back of the book.  Alternatively, your child can mark their own learning and make any amendments to their answers in pen so we can see the changes made.  Your child can also bring the ‘study guide’ book into school each day, and even use it to support them in their Numeracy session.

Times Table Challenge:

Times Table Challenge will be on Friday April 4th. So, get practising! Visit and click on the Bingo Machine for the interactive game we use in school….remember, we play the game at 1 and 0 seconds, so you need to be fast!

Core Subjects:


This week in Numeracy the children have been learning about multiplication and using the grid method to multiply numbers by given amounts before applying these skills to word problems. Next week, we will be learning about division, including the Bus Stop Method to divide by a single digit number and the Chunking method to divide by a 2-digit number.


This week pupils have been looking at the key features of newspaper articles. We have compared and contrasted a range of different newspapers, discussing the intended audience. Pupils selected a key audience for their newspaper report and then researched a topic of their choice. Next week pupils will be planning and drafting their very own newspaper report using a range of journalistic features.

SPELLINGS: Next week, the spellings are: non-fiction, non-slip, nonsense, nondescript, mismanage, mistrust, misunderstand, disappear, discovery, disbelief. Your child has received a copy of these spelling and will be tested on Friday 4th April.  

Newsletter 7th March

News Roundup:
We would like to congratulate all of year 5/6 for being a credit to the school. Our trip to Wagamama last week was a great success. Pupils learnt a great deal from the trip and enjoyed tasting Japanese foods, experimenting making smoothies and even tried their hand at using chop sticks! We were particularly impressed with the level of food knowledge that our children already have! Some future master chef stars are inevitable!

Friday Celebration Assemblies:
A date for your diary, our next phase assembly will on Friday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing you there to show off the amazing learning from this half term.

Year 6 Numeracy Book
The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘study guide’ and a ‘question book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s. Last week in Numeracy the children learnt about angles and coordinates.  In order to develop their understanding, children can complete pages: 27- 28 on angles and then page 35 on coordinates. 

This week we have been learning about symmetry (p33), reflection (p34) and rotation (p36).  If your child would like to complete these pages at home and bring the book back into school they will be rewarded for their hard work.

Although completing the pages is not compulsory, we do want to reward your child’s effort.  You can support your child by marking the questions; you will find the answers in the back of the book.  Alternatively, your child can mark their own learning and make any amendments to their answers in pen so we can see the changes made.  Your child can also bring the ‘study guide’ book into school each day and even use it to support them in their Numeracy session.

Child Line
Year 5/6 will be having a visit from ‘The Child Line Team’ on Wednesday 12th March and Wednesday 19th March during the afternoon. Your child will have brought a letter home regarding this, if you have any concerns over this, please contact either Mrs Wathen or Mrs Cookson.

Core Subjects:


This week in Numeracy the children have been learning how to reflect, translate and rotate shapes, using the co—ordinates to help them with accuracy. Next week, the children will be learning about measures, including length, mass and capacity!

For further support and quizzes on this week’s Numeracy focus, visit the KS2 bite size website which is full of amazing resources and further explanations:

This week pupils have learnt the key features of a formal letter of thanks. We have compared informal and formal letter writing styles and generated ideas around our trip to Wagamama. Pupils have then written an opening to their letter.

Next week pupils will continue to write their letters of thanks. Pupils will be grouping their ideas into paragraphs which focus on their favourite activities during the trip. Sessions will provide emphasis on the use of formal language and pupils’ thoughts, feelings and emotions.  

SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: catch - caught, hear - heard, find - found, fight - fought, choose - chose, bring - brought, see - saw, creep - crept, wear - wore, shake - shook.

Other areas of the curriculum:

PE: This week pupils have learnt a side break fall (Yoko ukemi). In addition pupils have also learnt a second throw (Tiatoshi). All pupils have enjoyed combining these fantastic new moves and have also recapped on the previous weeks learning.

Spanish: This week in Spanish the children have been learning the Spanish vocabulary for objects related to the seaside.  So far the children have learnt how to pronounce: en la playa (at the beach), las aletas (flippers), el alga (seaweed), la arena (sand), el traje de bano (swimsuit), la crema bronceadora (sun cream).  If your child would like to learn additional Spanish at home, the following website will help with their pronunciation: