Friday 20 June 2014

Newsletter: 20th June 2014

Year 6 Leavers
There are some children who still haven’t handed in their favourite photograph of themselves when they were younger. We would love to show a photograph of each child in year 6 in the assembly on our show reel. Please hand in your favourite picture to Mr Malley with your name written on the back. Thank you. 
School Captain Election:
The School Captain election for the current Year 5 pupils is looming. The election will be held Thursday July 10th. The children will be asked to give a short 2 minute presentation to the rest of the phase and phase teachers, which should explain why they should get the job and what they can bring to the role. There will be six School Captain places, two per term, which will enable more children to experience the position. We cannot wait!
Growing and Changing
On Monday, June 30th, the children will be learning about growing and changing, in accordance with the National Curriculum and the school’s PHSCE policy. The children will learn about changes that humans experience in their lifetime in a sensitive environment and there will be plenty of opportunity for children to ask questions anonymously throughout. A separate letter with regards to this was sent out last week, however, we would like to remind you, at this stage that parents/carers are very welcome to attend a meeting on Wednesday, June 25th at 4:00pm in the blue year 5/6 classroom, to discuss the session and preview any clips that will be shown.
In numeracy this week, the children have been working really hard with their end of term assessments; we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the children on their super effort with their assessments! In addition to this, the children have entered the Leeds Junior Maths Challenge. The four highest scoring children will be invited to attend Leeds Grammar School in July, for a fun morning of maths competition in the Leeds Junior Maths Challenge semi-final. Names to be announced soon! Next week, the children will be learning all about sequences in numbers; including the Fibonacci sequence, Pascal’s triangle, square and triangular numbers.
In literacy this week, pupils have been recapping on important spelling, grammar and punctuation rules. These have included; irregular plurals, commas and spelling patterns such as; words ending in ‘ant’ and ‘ent.’ Next week pupils will be reflecting on their experiences and challenges in year 5/6 in their report front cover. This is a wonderful chance for children to display their creative writing skills, as well as impress with their beautiful handwriting. The spellings for next week are; who’s, whose, peace, piece, ascent, assent, morning, mourning, steel, steal. Your child has received a copy of these spellings and will be tested on the 27th June.
The children have continued their learning on the Tour de France this week, creating posters in relation to the statement ‘The Tour de France: The most demanding and dangerous sporting event.’ Working in teams of 3, each child took responsibility for a different aspect. These included the physical demands of the tour, the different stages and finally, the dangers involved for the riders. The children have begun to create some truly sensational pieces!
We have continued our Living Things unit this week by looking at the different life cycles of living things. By exploring the similarities and differences of these, the children have been able to present their research to the class.
The children have been editing and refining their pictures this week- using iPhoto. The children have explored the editing features on the software and exported their pictures. Some of the editing skills have been amazing. We would not be surprised if some of the images appear on our own school walls very soon! Next week the children will continue to develop these editing skills and create their own slideshow with their final edits.

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