Wednesday 7 May 2014

Newsletter 2nd May

Water Bottles:
As the weather is getting warmer, the children need to bring in a water bottle so they can keep themselves hydrated throughout the day.  For hygiene reasons, we ask that the children are provided with their own water bottle as we have no cups in classrooms.  We ask that the children bring in water only and not fizzy pop or dilute juices.

We are aware that some children are ‘growing-up’ fast and beginning early puberty and may be using deodorant at home.  As the weather is getting warmer and the children are running around outside and being even more active during PE sessions, they are becoming a little bit sweaty.  In order to promote responsibility for personal hygiene, we have suggested that children may want to bring deodorant into school and leave it in their bags, if they need to.  We ask that children use roll on deodorant as there are a number of children who have asthma. The children have also been told they are not to share deodorant with their peers.   

Core Subjects:
Within Numeracy this week, the children have been practising their mental maths skills using the following website:  This is a fantastic website which we would highly recommend encouraging your child to use at home.  The ‘Speed Challenge’ game can help support your child’s mental maths skills.  You could even have a challenge with your child and see who has the quickest mental maths skills…

We have continued to practise the strategies which have been taught so far this year.  The KS2 bitesize website is a useful website to use, particularly in preparation for the SAT’s but also to embed numeracy skills which will be needed for adult life!  Please let us know if your child has been using the following website and we can reward them with stickers…

This week in Literacy the children have continued to write their discursive report on the subject ‘Is modern technology affecting the sleep patterns of young people?’  The children have looked at introducing their report by explaining how the range of technological devices has increased over the years and children are using this more frequently before bed.  They have looked at the two side of the argument; one suggesting the lights from game consoles is stimulating the brain, hindering sleep.  The other argument suggests there are a number of other factors including, diet, nutrition, and even reading a gripping book.  The use of language has been incredible and very sophisticated.  The 5/6 team are very proud of all of the children!

SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: enough, strength, variety, familiar, substantially, released, believe, station, technology, laziness.

Other areas of the curriculum:

In PE the children have continued to learn ‘The Big Dance’.  The children have learnt all the routine and are now beginning to practise so they can perform it from memory. The video is on our blog, so feel free to have a look to practice further.
During outdoor PE the children will be developing their skills at working in a team work.  They will be supporting each other in completing an obstacle course.


In Science this half term, the children will be looking at Sport Science, focusing on the respiratory system and the circulatory system.  They will look at how the heart and the lungs work and how to keep these organs healthy through diet and exercise!

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