Wednesday 7 May 2014

Newsletter 25th April

News Roundup:

Friday Celebration Assembly:
Thank you to all the parent/cares who attended our Celebration Assembly today, we are sure you will agree the children completed some amazing tasks last half term; from their Japanese artwork to learning some Judo moves.  Well done to all children in Year 5/6 for continuing to work hard.

Year 6 Numeracy Book
The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘Study Guide’ and a ‘Question Book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s.  This is a resource the school have paid for as we feel it will be beneficial for the children to continue to practise and reinforce their learning at home.  We ask for your support in encouraging your child to complete a page or two on a regular basis and send it back into school.  For each 5 pages completed your child will receive a Headteacher sticker.

Year 6 SAT’s
The Year 6’s will be completing their SAT’s in three weeks, the week commencing Monday 12th May.
As we have the privilege of having two additional qualified teachers we have decided to split the Year 5’s and 6’s for the next three weeks.  The luxury of this is all children will be in a smaller class than they would be normally.  All children will be covering the same learning but they will just be working in a smaller group, this will therefore mean more 1:1 time with the adult in the class.     

Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been recapping some taught strategies from across the year.  This week the children have been looking at measure (Length, Mass and Capacity).  They have been discussing the language used and converting numbers into different units of measure; for example 1000g = 1 kg, 100cm – 1 metre.

The children have also looked at time, telling the time, both on digital and analogue clocks.  They have then been using this knowledge to complete word problems.

This week in Literacy the children have been discussing a controversial question: ‘Is modern technology affecting the sleep patterns of young people?’  This has led to interesting conversations about modern technology and if this does affect young people’s sleep patterns and  social skills.    

SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: stapled, enough, umbrella, released, familiar, surprised, mattered, disruptive, physically 

Other areas of the curriculum:

PE: This half term the children will be learning the routine to ‘The Big Dance Pledge’ which is a chance to learn a dance routine with the rest of the world!  If your child wants to continue to learn the dance at home they can use the following website:

Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit on a Monday for 5/6G and 5/6M, Tuesday for 5/6H and outdoor PE continues to be on a Thursday.  Due to the weather becoming warmer, we would highly recommend the children bring in a water bottle in order to rehydrate themselves. 

Spanish: This half term the children will continue to learn the Spanish vocabulary for objects related to the seaside.  They will be creating a picture which will include a number of the vocabulary to describe the images.  A number of children have been using the Spanish dictionaries to find different Spanish words which they want to include within their picture.  If your child would like to learn additional Spanish as home, the following website will help with their pronunciation:

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